Care Management

Specialized RN Geriatric Care Managers Navigating the Complexities of Healthcare

Agape RN Geriatric Care Management

Our model exclusively utilizes Registered Nurses as geriatric care managers. Agape's nurses have the medical background that equips them with the knowledge to holistically support, advise, and advocate for one’s health and well-being.

Care Management

The RN Geriatric Care Manager keeps all physicians and health care providers updated on the client’s health and well-being. RN Geriatric Care Managers bridge the communication and coordination among all medical providers, such as a client’s cardiologist to their primary care physician.

Agape’s RN team services include, but are not limited to, professional geriatric care assessments, health insurance reviews, placement assistance, and crisis intervention. Relationship across family members, especially those at a geographic distance, can be challenging when trying to unify ideas for a loved one. Agape acts as the client advocate and liaison for clients and their families.

Book an Appointment

Book an appointment today to talk to us over the phone, to have a Google Meet online conference, or physically visit our location.